Iowa Type Theory Commute
Aaron Stump talks about type theory, computational logic, and related topics in Computer Science on his short commute.
Iowa Type Theory Commute
The Locally Nameless Representation
Aaron Stump
Season 6
Episode 4
I discuss what is called the locally nameless representation of syntax with binders, following the first couple of sections of the very nicely written paper "The Locally Nameless Representation," by Charguéraud. I complain due to the statement in the paper that "the theory of λ-calculus identifies terms that are α-equivalent," which is simply not true if one is considering lambda calculus as defined by Church, where renaming is an explicit reduction step, on a par with beta-reduction. I also answer a listener's question about what "computational type theory" means.
Feel free to email me any time at aaron.stump@bc.edu, or join the Telegram group for the podcast.